
What We Do
Harbor Lights Pregnancy and Information Center mission: "To provide valid pregnancy and parental choices, educational support, and spiritual support for the development of healthier children, families, and communities."
As an independent, HIPPA compliant facility, we provide free supportive services to mothers, fathers, and family caregivers of Iosco and surrounding counties. Our free services are provided through pregnancy and life!
We know that choices during an unplanned, and sometimes a planned pregnancy are difficult. We offer a caring, non-judgmental and confidential environment for you to explore your options. You may feel anxious and overwhelmed. However, you do not have to walk through this journey alone. We care and we can help!
Who We Are
Board of Directors
Colleen Barker – Chairperson
Doris May – Vice Chairperson
Susan Loomis – Secretary
Blinda Baker – Treasurer
​​Rhonda Chaplin - Mentoring Supervisor
Elaine Swartz – Mentor
Wendy Densmore – Mentor
Anne Mills – Mentor
Glenda Knepp – Mentor
Jeaney Moran - Mentor
Sharon Langley - Mentor
Mary Elizabeth Morse – Executive Director
Carol Reynolds – Administrative Assistant and Birth of a Family Coordinator
Tammy Moyer – Boutique Manager
Toni VanWyck - Assit. Boutique Manager
Julie Kamyszek - Boutique Laundry Helper
Lynn Orlando - Fundraising Developer
Rhonda Chaplin - Facebook Manager
Linda Holt - Receptionist
Glenda Knepp - Receptionist
Lillian Jennings - Office Assistant​
Olene Swartz - Boutique Assistant